Hip pain.. such a common complaint we see as chiropractors! I am a true believer that happy hips are the key to a happy spine. It is no coincidence that the vast majority of patients I see with low back pain are lacking great hip mobility.
As I am writing this, it is currently 20 degrees outside, and we have had snow on the ground for weeks. And you know what that means? We all have been less active lately. And when you are less active.. you know what starts to hurt? That's right, out hips.
So, as a chiropractor, here are 5 tips for you on how to keep your hips healthy, happy, and feeling good!
#1 - Stretch your Hips
Duh! I made you all a video of my favorite hip stretches. Try these out and see how they feel! Click the video below!
#2 - Try Some Heat
Heat is a muscle’s best friend. Especially with how cold it has been lately, your muscles might be aching for some heat! I prefer moist heat, meaning a moist hot pack, hot Epsom salt bath, hot tub, or something of that nature. I would recommend daily heat to help keep your muscles nice and loose.
#3 - Increase Your Step Count
MUCH easier said than done.. but I do think this should be one of your main goals! Our hips hurt when we sit too much, drive to much, or have too much inactivity. Set a timer on your work computer, and every hour or so, take a 5 minute walk. On your lunch break or after work, take a 10-15 minute walk to unwind. Even if you are just walking circles around your house or office, your hips will thank you!
#4 - Come in for a Treatment
Of course I would include this on the list!
My go-to for hip pain is dry needling. We can really get into those deep muscles of the hip, such as the piriformis. Anyone who has had it done has said nothing but good things, and it even can offer immediate relief!
But we don’t have to dry needle! We can do some manual releases, adjust your hips and spine, and help everything else relax
#5 - Hydrate!
I don’t know what it is about the winter, but we all drink less water.. myself included! Water helps lubricate our joints and helps keep our body hydrated. Make a mental note to increase your water consumption this week!
I love food sources for hydration just as much as plain water! Citrus fruits, berries, watermelon, cucumbers, peppers, and other water based fruits and veggies can both hydrate you and nourish your body.