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Prenatal Chiropractic Care 

Here at Woodland Chiropractic, we understand how scary pregnancy can be for new and expecting moms, and we are here to help! We offer gentle, safe, and effective pregnancy care from a provider you can trust. 


Our Prenatal Visits are 30 minute, 1-on-1 appointments! 

What technique do you use on pregnant women? Dr. Kenzie is certified in the Webster Technique, which is a sacral pelvis technique. This is used to relieve uterine soft tissue torsion, optimize your pelvis position, and help your body prepare for birth. This includes sacrum adjustments, round ligament releases, hip flexor and piriformis stretching, and much more! We still utilize a full body approach, including head, neck, and other adjustments we see fit. The technqiue is very gentle, and we can accomadate the therapy to how you feel most comfortable. 


I just found out I am pregnant, when should I start care? Congrats Momma! We recommend starting care right away! The earlier you start, the more benefits you will receive. We typically increase frequency as you progress in your pregnancy. 

What are some benefits to chiropractic care during pregnancy? Some benefits of getting regualr chiropractic care include:

  • Reduced labor time and delivery 

  • Reduced need for pain medication 

  • Increase in post partum recovery time 

  • Maintain a healtheir pregnancy 

  • Relieve pain in your lower back , round ligament, neck, back, and more! 

  • Help manage pregnancy related sciatica and other nerve pain 

  • Better sleep and decreased restlessness 

doctor mckenzie bayless is webster technique certified and treats pregnant women and children at woodland chiropractic
doctor mckenzie bayless is webster technique certified and treats pregnant women and children at woodland chiropractic
doctor mckenzie bayless is a member of the international chiropractic pediatric association, and is a pediatric chiropractor at woodland chiropractic

Dr. McKenzie Bayless is Webster Certified with advanced pediatric and prenatal training. She is also a member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA)

What do I need to do next? Book Your Prenatal Visit Online!

We can't wait to see you! 

As a pediatric and prenatal chiropractor in Lenexa, KS we look forward to treating you and your whole family! 

Prenatal Chiropractic Care 
At Woodland Chiropractic and Wellness in Lenexa, KS


9-12, 2-6

10-12, 2-6

9-12, 2-6


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Woodland Chiropractic is a Lenexa Chamber of Commerce Member

10072 Woodland Rd. Lenexa, KS 66220
(913) 839-4150 - Call or Text


By Appt. Only 

Fax: (913) 210-1263

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